The good old definition says – outsourcing is the business practice of hiring another company. Then that another company performs services that are traditionally performed in-house. That “another” company is usually an outside party.
Now to simplify
Definitions are a great thing. But, they are usually helpful when you fully understand what it all means.
And now, let me try to put simplification into abowe definition. Outsourcing means that someone has entrusted us (as Business Process Outsourcing provider) to do some of their business process(es) instead of them. As such, outsourcing affects a wide range of business expertises. The industry knowledge verias from customer support and care to finances, to business analytics, and the back office.
Clients and their customers
Our clients originate from different industries. Their products and services target customers from all around the world. We support their business by performing various activities to make their business processes sustainable. Also, we work directly with them to improve those processes. And we do take care of their customers.
Our daily conversation with their customers is intensive. This communication helps us in listening to the end-users, so that we can provide our clients with up to date feedback from their market. Furthermore, it is on us to help our clients leverage the potential of their business information. Structured and accurate business data are the stone of profitable and meaningful decisions. That is how are business capable od sending a right message to its audience.
What is that we provide to help others?
The knowledge and skills of our team are diverse. They span different business spheres. And we all unified these through call center support and cusotmer care.
Each of us knows what cutting-edge customer communication means. And then, each of us contributes individually with their knowledge and skills in customer care, finance, business analytics, sales, marketing, etc.
Languages have a special place here in Trizma. We currently communicate in 16 languages with end-users from 54 countries. That is why language proficiency is what we are always looking.
Note for you
Now let’s summarize in one sentence.
Working within an outsourcing company allows you to become familiar with the work of foreign multinational companies most simply and directly. There is a direct chance for you to communicate with different cultures and to learn about different values, habits, and business practices.